Cannabis Medicine and Resources

Cannabis Education

Dr. Slovak at is a leader in the Emerging Field of Cannabinoid (Cannabis) Medicine . The last 11 years he has worked as Osteopathic doctor. He has experience treating 8,000 patients with medical cannabis over the past 11 years using medical cannabis. 

 Dr. Slovak was featured in CNN, Time, Women’s Health, Rolling Stone and Leafly for his extensive knowledge on the cannabis topic. but it is not always the easiest to understand.   I plan to summarize and simplify using less technical language.

His website includes basic information on : Cannabis 101, Health Conditions Cannabis is Good For, Dosage Programs, Comparison of Cannabis and Opioids, Pediatric Seizures’ Guide, Wellness Activities,-including Tai Chi and Yoga stretches, CBD and CBDA.


Dr. Sulak's Cannabis Certification Program


He has a cannabis certification program for  $249 a year and includes access to monthly webinars, three online courses, and educational library.  


The three online courses are:

Medical Cannabis Core Curriculum:

 Dosage Protocols and Methodologies

 CBD Essentials and Applications




Dr. Sulak has developed his own CBD Hemp products that can be shipped to all 50 states with free shipping for orders under $75. Whole Plant is an important term and quality to look for because it means that the medicine works better with all of the components working together. There are two different tinctures: one with only CBDA and one that has a ratio  of six parts CBD to one part CBDA. Tinctures are good way to consume because they are fast-acting and work with in a few minutes. Easy to measure marks on the dropper make it easy to take the right amount but you do need to remember to shake each time to make sure it stays mixed.



They sell two different capsules; one with only CBDA and one with 6:1 CBD: CBDA. Capsules last longer and are easier if you want an exact amount, but you can’t take half if you need a different amount.

HEALER WHOLE PLANT TOPICAL GEL also makes a  topical cream that has fast-drying hydrogel cream. This cream combines CBD and CBDA and contains 850 mg of cannabinoids mixed with Copaiba oil, menthol and d-Limonene for increased absorption and anti-inflammatory properties



Dr. Sulak has a good step-by-step process laid out for first-time-users. He recommends starting with CBD if you have never tried it before.:

1) Try CBD and CBDA during the morning and the middle of the day for three–five days .

2)  If you find CBD  does not make you feel sleepy at all, try it at bedtime using  2x–4x your usual dose. 

However, you should start with our CBDA product if:

  • You know you respond better to CBDA than CBD
  • You’ve tried CBD in the past in moderate to high amounts (25-50mg)  and you did not sleep or feel sleepy
  • You’re using THC and you don’t want your hemp product to decrease its effects

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a well-known component of cannabis with a variety of health benefits. .  CBD and CBDA share many physiologic properties, but also have some important differences:

  • CBDA work faster than CBD when taken by mouth,
  • CBDA and CBD both have anti-inflammatory properties, but may act via different mechanisms in the body. 
  • CBDA might be better for nausea, anxiety, pain and inflammation and seizures then CBD  based on mouse model studies.  It is possible that CBDA may be more effective than CBD at lower doses.
  • CBDA is won’t moderate the adverse effects of THC, a common usage of CBD. 
  • CBDA could make the beneficial affects with THC. - Find A New Film or Documentary