5 of the Best Anxiety Reducing Tips From a Thriving Patien

Get a Good Diagnosis

I have had anxiety disorder my whole life but only got an official diagnosis at 45. Doctors would say that we all have anxiety on occasion. I knew my claustrophobia, and my fear of heights was, and my fear of public speaking were anxiety.   When I would have trouble sleeping, I did not  always see my insomnia as a symptom of my anxiety.  Most of the time I did not feel anxious when I was trying to sleep. I never had heart palpitations, things I feel when speaking in public- speaking. 

Thinking of anxiety as insecurity might be a better way to think about it.  It can also be hard to know what is normal since we can’t directly compare your own inner negative thoughts with other people’s.  Sometimes anxiety can be like a blankness where you can’t think or focus.  

Some therapists feel like patients should never diagnose themselves. Still, someone living with an illness knows the disease much better than someone who just read about it in a book and talks to people in an office.  It always helps to be as educated about your condition as you can so you know when the person is telling you something true that makes sense for you.  


Exercise can help with anxiety in two ways. It helps distract you from the things you are anxious about. Moving your body decreases muscle tension, so your body feels less anxious. Getting your heart rate up improves your brain chemistry, increasing the availability of important anti-anxiety neurochemicals, including serotonin, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and endocannabinoids. Exercise activates frontal regions of the brain responsible for executive function, which helps control the amygdala, our reacting system to real or imagined threats to our survival.  

Anxiety Treatment
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Get the Right Medication-Antidepressants or CBD

There are currently two types of medications recommended for Anxiety disorders, SSRIs and Benzodiazepines. I have enough really bad experience of my own with Benzos  plus reading about others bad experience to know that I won’t recommend those unless it is for medical appointments. i take it once a year to get thru my MRIs. 

CBD is great for anxiety. Humboldt Apothecary makes great. I am an affiliate so please see the ads above or below to buy to help support my site.  CBD products can be shipped to all 50 states. 


CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy and medication are the two best ways to treat anxiety and depression. DBT is a type of CBT with an added mindfulness component. Most people need both CBT/DBT and medication for the best results treating their anxiety. . . I realize, and that feeling is gone I realize what it was. Anxiety means the same as insecurity, I know I lose my confidence and become very insecure about my ability to sleep and that can be part of what is hard about taking sleep medication for me.  I very easily lose my confidence when I take it and it is very easy for me to create more anxiety for myself when I think to myself why isn’t this medicine working? That is a very anxiety-producing statement. See my meditation page for more strategies on how to let your negative thoughts go. 


Meditation helps your anxiety by giving you some distance and objectivity from your feelings and thoughts. Emotions and thoughts are only messages to us we get to decide how we respond to them. We are not healthier if we are expressing our feelings constantly. Sometimes this might be appropriate but often getting some thinking time before reacting to feelings is an invaluable tool.

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