Physician developed with a step-by-step usage guide to take the guesswork out of CBD.


Photo by leah hetteberg on Unsplash

I am a 50-year old mom born with anxiety, depression, and ADHD with many years of experience managing my own symptoms as a patient. It is often a struggle to get trustworthy, consistent advice. I am not a psychiatrist or a psychologist but just a teacher with a master’s degree in special education working with students with these same learning disabilities with personal experience with almost all the treatments, medications, and therapy. 

For many of us, cannabis and CBD are completely new promising resources for mental health issues. I wanted someone else to benefit from my stumbling and eventual success with CBD. I am hopeful as well about the new uses being found for old medicines like Ketamine, mushrooms, and LSD. 

The only way I get paid is if you buy products through the links on my site. If you like my site hopefully you will support it that way. 

I can’t do Google Ads due to the cannabis content at this time. Updating information on illnesses, treatments, and links in new weekly blog posts will be the main focus for me. Cannabis Compounds Prevented Covid Infection In a Lab Study